New Harmony (disunion) may soon be the only way forward

June 28th, 2022
Mike Monett

Here is where we are:

1. The Supreme Court after Trump added the three extremist judges that completed the ultra right theocratic supermajority, is the monster we all feared it would be. The extremist court is committed to overturning all the progress America has made, at least to before the New Deal, and probably earlier than that. The huge majority of Americans who are not going to tolerate being ruled over by this court are going to shed that tyranny one way or the other.

2. The Republican party is now a fully and openly fascist terrorist cult. Although only about a third of the US population overall fully embrace them, they dominate the Senate because the rural states are solidly Republican. So the Senate now is just an extension of the Supreme Court dictatorship.

3. The US House of Representatives is less infected by Republican extremism than the Senate, but it too is skewed toward the Republicans, because extreme gerrymandering since 2010, which the Supreme Court refused to make illegal, has made the House also unrepresentative of the American population.

4. As for the Executive Branch, The Electoral College, like the Senate, overly favors rural states, and thus Republicans and thus right wing extremism. And, the Republican Party is committed to voter suppression, election nullification, and other un-democratic tactics, which will endanger ALL elections, but especially our Presidential elections.

5. Also, because of the Supreme Court decisions that money is speech, and because the wealthy favor the extremist Republican party, every election campaign is skewed even MORE toward Republicans by campaign spending imbalances.

These extreme disadvantages are only offset by ONE thing, the strength in numbers of Americans alarmed by them and wanting back the prosperous democracy they have destroyed.

But it is obvious that the disadvantages have become so extreme that the 2022 midterm elections are our last hope to ever overcome them.

So, on November 9th, the day after the 2022 midterm election, unless the opposition to the fascist Republican Party, the Democrats, have done well, the governors of America’s 15 solidly Democratic states must come together in favor of a breakup of the United States. This will be necessary, because disunion will allow from 115 million to 270 million of America’s 333 million citizens to escape the Supreme Court-Republican Party dictatorship that will be rapidly consolidating it’s hold after November 8th.

I have named this disunion goal, which the governors will begin working toward, New Harmony.

This website is where I will further develop the New Harmony idea. I will also be asking, every day, for others to comment, criticize, and post content here.