More about fifteen governors beginning the process

In the New Harmony sidebar, I said, “So, on November 9th, the day after the 2022 midterm election, unless the opposition to the fascist Republican Party, the Democrats, have done well, the governors of America’s 15 solidly Democratic states must come together in favor of a breakup of the United States. This will be necessary, because disunion will allow from 114 million to 250 million of America’s 331 million citizens to escape the Supreme Court-Republican Party dictatorship that will be rapidly consolidating it’s hold after November 8th.”

Let me elaborate now…

There are more than fifteen blue states, but fifteen is the number of states where the legislature and the governorship are both Democratic (the solidly Democratic states). So these fifteen governors are the ones most likely to begin talking about and planning disunion without obstruction from Republicans.

The population numbers I gave are the total for the fifteen states (114 million), and the total for the fifteen states, plus other blue states plus all purple states (250 million). The remainder of the total American population of 331,454,351 million, 81 million, is the total population of all the solid red and moderately red 19 states.

Specifically, these are the states and populations I am talking about:

Solidly blue fifteen states:

California      39,538,223 
Colorado         5,773,714
Connecticut      3,605,944
Delaware           989,948
DC                 689,545
Hawaii           1,455,271
Illinois        12,801,989
Maine            1,362,359
Nevada           3,104,614
New Jersey       9,288,994
New Mexico       2,117,522
New York        20,201,249
Oregon           4,237,256
Rhode Island     1,097,379
Washington       7,705,281
total:         113,969,288	

other blue states:

Maryland         6,177,224
Massachusetts    7,029,917
Vermont            643,077
total:          13,850,218       

Purple states:

Florida	        21,538,187
New Hampshire    1,377,529
Pennsylvania	13,002,700
Ohio	        11,799,448
Georgia         10,711,908
North Carolina	10,439,388
Michigan	10,077,331
Iowa	         3,271,616
Virginia	 8,631,393
Minnesota	 5,706,494
Arizona	         7,151,502
Missouri	 6,154,913
Wisconsin	 5,893,718
Indiana	         6,785,528
total:         122,541,655

red states:

Texas	       29,145,505
Tennessee	6,910,840
South Carolina	5,118,425
Alabama 	5,024,279
Louisiana	4,657,757
Kentucky	4,505,836
Oklahoma	3,959,353
Utah	        3,205,958
Arkansas	3,011,524
Mississippi	2,961,279
Kansas	        2,937,880
Wyoming	          576,851
Nebraska	1,961,504
Idaho	        1,839,106
West Virginia	1,793,716
Montana	        1,084,225
South Dakota	  886,667
North Dakota	  779,094
Alaska	          733,391
total:         81,093,190

Here are the sources for the population numbers I gave here, and the partisan compositions I gave here, respectively:

State Population by Rank

State Partisan Composition

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