more data about the states -Senate and House numbers

As a foundation for arguments that will be made in future posts, here is the population data from the last post, with Senate and House numbers added:

Blue states -The Senate column is the number of Democrats of the two. The population totals at the bottom are for the solidly blue fifteen states, the three other blue states, and the total for all eighteen blue states:

Purple states -The Senate column is the number of Democrats of the two. The population total at the bottom is for the fourteen purple states:

Red states -The Senate column is the number of Democrats of the two. The population total at the bottom is for the nineteen red states:

Here are the sources for the US Senate and House numbers I gave here:

List of current United States senators

Directory of Representatives

Here are the sources for the population numbers, and the partisan compositions, respectively:

State Population by Rank

State Partisan Composition


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