More on How Disunion Will Start (Probably not by Constitutional Amendment)

In How Disunion to New Nations Will Start, I said the governors of the fifteen bluest states will begin the process, then the three most ideological nations will begin forming, and the two “swing” nations will either just remain as what’s left of the US, or will also begin forming new nations. But I did not give specifics in that post. Here I will do that…

What matters is public opinion.

When a large majority of the people of the blue states see remaining in America as it transforms into a right-wing dictatorship as unacceptable, those states will secede. Nothing will be able to stop that.

And, when the blue states make it clear they want to secede, a large majority of the people of the 20 reddest states will see that as an invitation to confederate into a new country, free of those “woke” states. Nothing will be able to stop them from beginning the creation of that new confederacy, which I have labeled the new “Central” nation on my maps.

But isn’t the constitutional amendment process the prescribed way of making such HUGE changes to the USA?

Yes. -But nobody will care, for three reasons:

First, it would take too long, and involve too many steps.

Second, it is a legal method, and trust in our legal system has vanished. The Central 20 states might love the new right wing Supreme Court, but that is the only part of the present legal system they trust, so they will have no more interest in a cumbersome constitutional amendment process than the other states.

Third, the constitutional amendment process is for changing the laws of the US, not breaking up the US.

OK. So should the blue states and the red states use the initiative process to begin secession and joining with other states as new nations?

If that is a clear way to demonstrate the popularity of the process, yes, go ahead and do it as a ballot initiative.

But a ballot initiative will not be necessary if it is obvious to everyone that there is broad support.

If there is broad support, the legislatures and the lawyers of the states should just start passing the laws to make it happen.

The last time the US broke up was 1860. That caused a civil war because only the south was for the breakup, and the north had at least three times as many people as the south.

This time there will not be a civil war because everybody will either support breakup or be neutral. Only a small minority of Americans will be truly opposed.

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