Reminder before I continue this discussion: This blog is NOT proposing a COMPLETE disunion.

Now that I am getting increasing numbers of readers, some are saying disunion will never be practical, that it will be stopped by the courts or legislatures (or “somebody”).

I have spent my time since I started New Harmony on June 28th developing details about where the lines will probably be drawn when a breakup happens.

I failed to emphasize at the start that I support the plan of Alexander Moss’s new book, A More Perfect Union. I mentioned it briefly in About.

This is very important, because Moss proposes a European Union style umbrella over the new nations that the states form.

The military, foreign policy, homeland security, etc. will probably be handled by this new AU (American Union). Also, there will be open travel and borders, and freedom to move anywhere in the AU, and there will be many non-controversial functions of government that the AU will do.

A large majority of citizens already support, or will soon support, doing whatever is necessary to have a federal government that aligns with their values and aspirations. Almost no Americans, whether conservative or progressive, think in 2022 that the existing fifty state federal government aligns with their values and aspirations.

This dissatisfaction is about the laws, policies, and processes of the government, not about wanting to be walled off from persons with opposite views. We do not want to be under the rule of those with opposite views. That is not the same as wanting to be residentially, economically, and socially segregated from them. That is why a new divided America will have a common union over the new countries.

The majority of people in the deep red nation that will form in the center of the existing US want to not be ruled over by others that make discrimination illegal and make abortion legal, that despise mingling of government and religion and minimal regulation and love social spending, that limit guns and have high taxes on wealthier people. They don’t hate these other people. They just don’t want to live under their laws and control.

The majority of people in the deep blue nations that will form in the west and the northeast of the existing US want to not be ruled over by others that make same sex marriage and marijuana illegal and make unlimited corporate election spending legal, that want tax dollars given to religious schools, and oppose environmental laws and single-payer health care, that think the right to bear arms is more important than the right to not be in fear of weapons of war in our public places and refuse to support higher taxes on the wealthy. They don’t hate these other people. They just don’t want to live under their laws and control.

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